Publishing a print and online magazine.

Barcelona Letterheads
Leading the organisation of Spain’s first Letterheads event.

Ghost Signs: A London Story
Researching and writing the definitive book about ghost signs.

The Showcards Book
Producing an artist’s retrospective book.

Sign Painting Book
Ghost writing a definitive ‘how to’ craft book.

Sign Painting Workshops
Producing an international workshops programme.

‘When Better Letters Met’ Films
Producing a series of short films.

Lockdown Letterheads
Leading the delivery of a 24-hour virtual conference.

Ghostsigns Walking Tours
Leading award-winning walking tours.

London Letterheads Conference
Leading the delivery of an international conference.

N.E. Signs Survey and Zine
Leading a local historical research and publishing project.

Glowing Alphabet Peep Show
Producing a modern curiosity cabinet full of glowing letters.

Good Luck Hope Murals
Delivering a series of large-scale faux ‘ghost’ signs.

Sign Painters Screenings
Hosting the London screenings of Sign Painters.

Market Assessment Study
Facilitating a market assessment in rural Cambodia.

History of Advertising Trust Ghostsigns Archive
Curating a national online archive using crowdsourcing.

Bristol University Radio Station
Leading the revival of a university radio station.